What do you need?

All that you need for preparing these 5 easy latte art designs are:

  • A pitcher/jug
  • A cup
  • A latte art tool or a toothpick (or something a bit thicker than a toothpick)
  • Espresso machine

And let’s not forget about the main ingredients: coffee, milk, and chocolate syrup.

1. Heart

Use three ounces of milk per one-ounce cup, and steam it. Tilt the cup at an angle of 45 degrees with one hand, and with the other pour the milk in the center. The pitcher should be held high in order to let the milk come to the bottom of your cup. When your cup is up to three-quarters full, pour the milk, start shaking your hand a bit (not the cup, but the pitcher), then put the pitcher closer to your cup, and don’t shake anymore. You will notice white circles appearing. The moment the cup gets almost full, pour the milk in line from one side to the other through the center.

When watching the video, if you want to jump to making a heart, without the introduction of the professional barista, just play the video from the second minute.

2. Rosetta

This one probably looks very hard, however, it isn’t at all. Follow the steps and you will easily perfect your Rosetta technique. Tilt your cup about 45 degrees and start pouring the milk, but don’t hold the pitcher too close to the cup. Make sure the stream of milk is thin so that it creates the base as it sinks to the bottom.

When the cup is three-quarters full put the pitcher closer to the cup until it rests on the cup. Once the pitcher touches the cup, pour a bit more milk and you’ll see a dot of white foam. At this point, start moving the pitcher from one side to the other. When you reach the end of the cup, start pouring less milk, lift the pitcher and start moving the milk stream forward through the center.

3. A bear

Okay, let’s have a little fun now. Do the same as when you are making a heart, just don’t make the last move pouring the milk to the edge, which actually gives you the look of the heart. So, just put the pitcher a bit higher, pour the milk, then put the pitcher closer to make the stream thicker, and then stop. It should look like an apple or a heart without the pointy part. Now, take a spoon and take a bit of milk, then put two dots, one on each side, which should represent the ears. Then use a toothpick to draw eyes and a nose at the center of two semicircles. Don’t use the tool, because it is thicker and it might ruin your art.

Making these latte art designs might look hard, but it’s actually very easy, and after a few lattes, you will perfect latte art design.

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